Thursday, February 27, 2003

RENEW 2002

Here is the link to the RENEW materials that I have seen. They are just being released by to the public.
E-Mail Floating Around NASA Office Predicted Disaster

A few days before but in the end nothing became of it. The Smoking Gun as usual somehow has obtained it for you to view.
Sad Day in the Neighborhood

Mr. Rodgers is dead. He died this morning at his home in Pittsburgh.

Wednesday, February 26, 2003

Pope Says Purify Mass of Ill Suited Music


Hence, it is necessary, to constantly discover and live the beauty of prayer and of the liturgy. One must pray to God not only with theologically precise formulas, but also in a beautiful and dignified way.

In this connection, the Christian community must make an examination of conscience so that the beauty of music and song will return increasingly to the liturgy. It is necessary to purify worship of deformations, of careless forms of expression, of ill-prepared music and texts, which are not very suited to the grandeur of the act being celebrated.
Not RENEW 2000 but the New RENEW

The materials that I reviewed were post RENEW 2000, newer but very orthodox. It is this new version I'm sure that Archbisop Dolan will be using. They carry the Imprimature of Archbishop Meyer and anyone who knows him knows that it has to be orthodox to carry his imprimatur.
Amy has a Super Entry Today on War and Peace

Be warned it is almost as long as Tolstoy's opus. I know she's been stewing about this for the past few weeks.
I'm in California...

for the next few days so the blogging might be light. I have a beautiful view of the Crystal Cathedral from my room.