Tuesday, August 11, 2020

73 Steps to Spiritual Communion with God 25b

This is a continuation of the 73 Steps to Spiritual Communion with God. by Michael Dubruiel The previous posts are below and in the archives to the right. This is the 25th step, part 2:

(25) Not to make a false peace.

If we hold peace with each other as a goal, then we must use every means to achieve that goal. Most of the time peace is achieved by simply acknowledging the others right to exist with dignity and to acknowledge their right to believe differently. What this requires for both parties to reach this goal mutually, is for both of their egos to die.

For the follower of Christ this is not an option.

"Love your enemies." "If they press you to go one mile, go two." "If they strike you on one cheek, offer the other." "Forgive seventy times seven."

Amazing how anyone who follows Christ could ever set out to make anything other than true peace.

Our Lord's parting words to His disciples was, "My peace I give you, not as the world gives do I give." He was probably referring to the fact that at the time (and even today in Israel) that people didn't say "Goodbye" but rather they said "Peace." The Romans said Pax Vobiscum, the Israelites said  Shalom.

But did they mean it? It was a convention and very well often was said with no conviction.

Our Lord's peace is not a convention, it is true. We should follow His example and make true peace with all we encounter.

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