From How to Get the Most Out of the Eucharist by Michael Dubruiel
From Chapter 3 - Adore. Part 5
E A R -O L D
My son Joseph
walked into the room while I was putting together the material for this
chapter. When he walked in I was having a difficult time coming up with a good
illustration for what “living in thanksgiving” means in the concrete and I
wasn’t thankful that he was bothering me. Then it struck me that the point of
living in thanksgiving is simply that what I might otherwise perceive as an
interruption becomes an intervention, once I adore God above all things.
God had sent
Joseph into my room. This hit me when I sent him away and he said “Thank you,”
as he went off. For a period of his young life he had the habit of saying
“thank you,” not after he had been given something that he was appreciative of
but rather
when he had been told to do something, I think he thought
that “thank you”meant “okay.”Yet this is exactly what living in thanksgiving
is, saying “thank you” to whatever God presents to us in the daily events of
our lives.
“ L I
V I N G I N T H A N K S G I V I N G ”
Living in thanksgiving literally means always having
gratitude on your lips.
The late great Orthodox liturgist
Alexander Schmemann felt that the meaning of “thanksgiving”— the literal
translation of the Greek word Eucharist —
had been lost on modern people. We tend to limit giving thanks to only those
things that we receive that we perceive as good.Yet Schmemann argues that for
the early church “giving thanks” was something the Christian did because the
Kingdom of God had been restored in Jesus Christ.
Our very inclusion in Christ is reason
enough to give thanks; the fact that God has spoken to us in the Word is
another reason to give thanks; the fact that Christ has saved us and shares his
Body and Blood with us is another reason to give thanks; and the fact that
Christ has given us a mission is yet another reason to give him thanks! In
fact,you will recognize that at the point in the celebration of the Eucharist
that each of these things is mentioned, we express our thanks, either as a
congregation, when we say, “Thanks be to God,” or through the presider, when he
says to God, “We give you thanks.”
Because of what Christ has done for us we
now have a vantage point in life that those who do not know Christ do not have.The
liturgy is a mystery of light, and we are on the mountaintop of the
Transfiguration and know that Jesus rises from the dead — that he is victorious
over our enemies. Therefore, as St. Paul tells the Thessalonians, we can “Give
thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for
you” (1 Thessalonians 5:18).
Practice giving thanks to God at all times. Make it a habit
to step back when you judge something negatively and to ask God to help you to
see it in his will.
Practice giving thanks to God at all times. Make it a habit
to step back when you judge something negatively and to ask God to help you to
see it in his will.
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