Thursday, November 5, 2015

Who is Solanus Casey?

This friary mentioned in the excerpt that I've quoted below is one of the places I usually go for lunch. It was sold some years ago and stands as a monument of a time that has passed, hopefully someday in the future one of the new communities arrising will purchase it and restore it.

Pray for the Beatification of Venerable Solanus Casey!

From Article: The "Holy Doorman" of St. Bonaventure's:

"A Living Saint. Among those who recognized the simple holiness of the tall, bearded priest is Fr. Benedict Groeschel, C.F.R., director of the Office for Spiritual Development of the Archdiocese of New York. Fr. Groeschel was eighteen years old in 1950 and in formation at St. Felix Capuchin Novitiate in Huntington, Indiana, where Fr. Solanus lived at the time.

Fr. Groeschel recalled one warm evening that year when, unable to sleep, he slipped into the chapel to pray. 'After a few minutes of kneeling in the dark, I realized that someone else was in there. A bit startled, I turned on the spotlight and there was Fr. Solanus, kneeling on the top step of the altar with his arms extended and his eyes riveted on the tabernacle. He was in his late seventies and yet he didn't move a muscle. Although his eyes were open, he didn't know I was there, and he didn't seem to recognize that the light was on. He was a very humble man and he would have moved immediately if he knew that someone was watching him.'

Fr. Groeschel could only conclude that the priest was in a kind of 'ecstasy,' a state of deep mystical prayer in which all his attention was absorbed in Christ. After a few minutes, feeling like an intruder, he turned the spotlight off and quietly left the chapel. "

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