I love hearing about the miracles that were worked by Venerable Solanus Casey, a Capuchin who served in Detroit, New York and Huntington, IN.
From Chris:
One of the things I remember most was my grandmother's love for Fr. Solanus Casey. It wasn't until about 5 months ago that I finally found out why. She told me that she had been born with spina bifida and wasn't expected to live long or ever even be able to walk. Her parents, devout Irish-Catholics, had heard of Fr. Solanus' "healing powers" and went to see him. He prayed over her and said that she would be fine. She wouldn't even need a cast or brace for walking.
The day came to go to the hospital to be fitted for her brace and they stopped by to see him once again. And again he assured them that she would be fine. On the trolley ride to the hospital, the driver made a sudden stop and my great-grandfather lost his grip on my grandma nearly dropping her. When they arrived at the hospital, the doctor said that there was nothing wrong with her. From that day on, she had no symptoms whatsoever.