Joseph with me, yawning before he realizes that a "superhero" is about to appear:

Yes, that little white spec, is the pope!

And to give you the feel for it, this is what you first hear booming across the St. Peter's, leading to Joseph to say that the pope has a very loud voice:
Cari fratelli e sorelle!
Il Vangelo di Marco, che costituisce il filo conduttore delle celebrazioni domenicali di questo anno liturgico, offre un itinerario catecumenale, che guida il discepolo a riconoscere in Gesù il Figlio di Dio. Per una felice coincidenza, il brano odierno tocca il tema del digiuno: come sapete, mercoledì prossimo inizierà il tempo quaresimale con il Rito delle Ceneri e il digiuno penitenziale.
Which means:
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
The Gospel of Mark, which is the theme of the Sunday celebrations of this liturgical year, offers a catechumenal programme which guides the disciple to recognize Jesus as the Son of God. By a fortunate coincidence, today's Gospel passage touches on the topic of fasting: as you know, next Wednesday the Lenten season begins, with the Rite of Ashes and penitential fasting. For this reason, the Gospel is particularly appropriate.
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