Thursday, December 2, 2004

Hint: If He Turns Blue He Probably Isn't "Slain in the Spirit"

This ties in well with my meditation for today at The Day Shall Dawn (Advent/Christmas Meditations posted daily):


"In the midst of a 'Holy Spirit' revival meeting at Full Gospel Temple Saturday night, Barry Munrow, 58, suffered a heart attack and went unnoticed for three hours because dozens of people were 'slain in the Spirit' around him.

'I thought he was overcome by the power of God,' says associate pastor Kevin Toomey, 35, who saw Munrow fall into the aisle during the visiting evangelist's sixth impassioned altar call. An usher laid a modesty cloth over Munrow and various people prayed for him throughout the evening. The evangelist came by at one point and touched Munrow's forehead and said, 'More, Lord. Fill him up.'

But at 11 p.m., when the service wound down, people noticed that Munrow had not moved for at least two hours. They also noticed he was blue. "

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