Wednesday, November 5, 2003

One of My Goals While in New York

Is to pray at the tombs of Pierre Tousaint and Fulton Sheen, along with Cardinal Cooke and O'Connor.

St. Patrick's Cathedral, New York - Wikipedia:

"The Archbishops of New York are buried in a crypt under the high altar. Their honorary hats, called galeros, hang from the ceiling over their tombs.

Blessed Pierre Toussaint (1766 - 1853) paid for the reconstruction of old St. Peter's Church (the first Catholic church in New York, founded 1785) after it burned, and helped raise money for the construction of the old St. Patrick's Cathedral in lower Manhattan (which was the second Catholic church in New York, founded 1809). Though during his life he had been turned away from the church because of his race, he was interred in the burial grounds at Old St. Patrick's Cathedral. John Cardinal O'Connor had Toussaint's remains moved from the cemetery of old St. Patrick's into the crypt below the main altar of the Fifth Avenue of the new St. Patrick's Cathedral. The process of canonization of Pierre Toussaint is underway.

Archbishop Fulton Sheen (May 8, 1895 - December 9, 1979) - most noted as host of his radio show, 'The Catholic Hour' and his television show, 'Life is Worth Living, he was Bishop of the Rochester Diocese but was also an Auxillary Bishop for the Archdiocese of New York from 1951-1966. "

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